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Carbonate sand, Plage de St. Jean, St. Barthelmy, Caribbean

Plage de St. Jean, St. Barthelmy


Beach, Plage de St.Jean, St. Barthelmy, Caribbean


Diverse and typical mixture of carbonate fragments of marine provenance and some quite particular VRFs and MRFs of landward andesitic provenance


Dominant white carbonate sand (CaCO3, calcite and aragonite); few fractions of quartz, chlorite?, hornblende, fine grained and dark mafic rock fragments (Lv), intermediary plutonic fragments, black obsidian

Fragments of red algae

Petrographic thin section:

Characteristic "finger print" red algae, tubular serpulids, few benthic foraminifera, radial coralline sceletal fragments, angular echinoid plates

Bright field

Dark field


Medium sand (ca. 350 µ), moderately sorted, subangular

Sample Number:

number of the sample


Collector of the sand, Institution


Date of sampling


Further comments on the sand, depositional history, ecc.

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