
This game was inspired by the German game and song "Der Plumpsack geht um ..." which is similar to playing tag, but in a circle. 

This game in particular is combined with a learning activity that consists of identifying a category and an "intruder" in a groups of words that belong together. The Playing CLIL Handbook (Müller et. al, 2015: 86) provides a game called "Duck, duck goose" which was an inspiration for the basic rules. 

I adapted the rules of both games to create an energizing activity about a topic that almost everyone loves: ice cream. Still, the game can be linked with another topic that is appropriate for the students regarding their age or interests. 

Target group and Time

It is recommended to start with an opening conversation about summer, holiday and favourite flavours of ice cream. Since the game " Der Plumpsack geht um..." is also played in kindergarden as a tag game,  I would not recommend to play I scream for ice cream with students older than 13 years. Otherwise, there is a high risk of running from child ambition into adolescent boredom which would kill the fun factor. 

It can be played either at the beginning, in the middle or at the end of the class. I recommend to play it either as a warm-up activity which is topic specific, or at the end to consolidate learned vocabulary. 

Depending on the ability of the group, there are different levels of difficulty that will be explained. Depending on time and ability, the game can be played for 10 - 15 minutes. 

Since there will be running, the game requires some space. The game needs at least 5 participants.   

Learning objectives

The aim of the game is establishing, developing vocabulary and consolidate it. 

The game will motivate shy students to talk in a smaller group about something they are excited about. The game requires the participants to be physically active, and can be used as a tool for "waking" the students up (Energizer). 

They have to pay attention and be very concentrated, not only when it is their turn, but also when it is their collegues' turn. Depending on the topic, the game does not provide much spoken activity during the easy levels, but it is very effective to evaluate the students' knowledge on a chosen topic. The students can apply vocabulary they already had, and then memorize and consolidate new words. Here, they learn flavours of ice cream.

Since there is no "real" winner, it is about the fun the group has during the game.

Instructions to set up the activity

Introductory conversation: "What do you like about summer? What do you do on vacation?" ("Go swimming, play outside, ... and eat ice cream!")

 "What is your favourite flavour of ice cream?"

It helps to provided different cards depicting different fruits and flavours of ice cream. Each student has to pick a card and say what is on the card. (Since we did not know the students before the actual session, I could already get an impression on the students' ability) If a student does not know what is depicted, the students or the teacher can help they out. 

Starting the first round: 

The players form a circle. The teacher walks around touching each player on the shoulder and saying their favorite ice cream flavour, e.g. chocolate. To establish the pattern: If you are touched on your shoulder, but instead of the teacher's favorite ice cream flavour you hear another flavour, e.g. Strawberry, you must run around the circle and try to arrive at your position in the circle before the teacher does. If the player chasing does not catch the teacher it is their turn and they become the leader (e.g. Chocolate O chocolate O chocolate O strawberry X → RUN). 

If the basic level works, play it a couple of rounds, and then go on to the next level.

Letting it run

For the second and third level it is recommended to put the cards depicting the different flavours in the middle of the circle on the ground, so the players can have a glance if they need inspiration.

When the basic pattern is established and every student understands the rules, the next level will be introduced. It is recommendable to have the teacher introduce the new rules each time. The rules remain the same, except for the key words. The leader goes around the circle touching each player on the shoulder saying different ice cream flavours each time. During the second level, the players have to pay attention to find the "intruder". The leader, suddenly, says a word which is not an ice cream flavour, e.g. tomatoe, cucumber or kepab. (Here, according to the knowledge of the students, the teacher can establish a category they like, such as vegetables.) Then the touched player has to chase around the circle to arrive at the old spot before the leader does. If the leader does not arrive before the player, it is their turn again, otherwise the player goes on. Etc.

After a couple of rounds, the next and most difficult level is established. Now, the leader has to go around the circle, touching every player on the shoulder, saying a true sentence, as in "Strawberries are red.", "Chocolate is brown.", "Watermelon is green/ red.", until the leader tells a lie as in "Pineapples are pink." The players have to listen carefully to tell which is a lie, and then, the player touched, recognizing the lie has to run. Etc. 

Have fun! (Lächeln)

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