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As a new Biolab or Optical Microscopy (OM) user you have to get introduced before you start work about Biolab Safety by the "Projektleitung" of the facility (e.g. Katharina Achazi, Stefanie Wedepohl or Daniel Lauster) based on the Operating Instructions. To complete the introduction, you need to get introduced to sign the introduction protocol in the genetic engeering folder in office 111 (Altensteinstr. 23a) and you need a practical training in the facility by one of the Biolab Team memebers and get introduced to the biolab agreement.

In addtion, you may need to make an appointment with FUB's medical service ( for an medical check-up based on the Questionaire before you start to work in the biolab (cells, tissue, blood etc.). A certificate about this examination and the periodic re-eaxamination needs to be provided to the Biolab Team.

Once a year, every Biolab User has to attent the mandatory Biosafety introduction.

If you bring human materials (including blood, serum, plasma, mucus or tissue), cells, bacteria, viruses, reagents, assays, kits, antibodies or other substances to the biolab, register them in the wiki, provide the relevant safety information and make sure you are allowed to handle them in the biolab and you obey the relevant safety procedures.

For data storage we have the zellbio-useres network drive.

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