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Beach Sand, Kovalam Beach, Kerala, India

Kovalam Beach


Kovalam Beach, Kerala, south-west tip of India


High-grade metamorphic and mafic to intermediary plutonic proterozoic rocks of the indian craton


Black, metallic resplendend ilmenite (ca. 70%), partly euhedral; translucent, bright green titanite (?, ca. 10%), black red to pink translucent garnet (ca. 10%), commonly zircon (colourless, long-prismatic) and quartz (colourless)

Ilmenite, some garnet

Petrographic thin section:

Bright field

Dark field

Opaque ilmenite dominates the image. This impression is reinforced in the dark field by garnets; merely some clinopyroxenes stand out with their coloures


Texture of the grains, ecc.

Sample Number:

number of the sample


Collector of the sand, Institution


Date of sampling


Further comments on the sand, depositional history, ecc.

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