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Altensteinstr. 23a, 115.7

Responsible persons & booking:

Detailed information and protocols how to use OpenIris you find here.

Type of measurement:

Absorbance, Fluorescence, Luminescence


  • Gain permission to work in the Biolabs by follwoing the How-to-Start procedure.
  • Get access to the BCP-storage network drive suprafab-analytics to save measuremnt data.
  • Book the device using OpenIRIS (protocls see here).
  • Get an introduction to the device by the responsible person (see above).
  • If you want to do measurements for longer than 4 hours, check with the other user’s plans first before booking
  • Always remove the cover from the multiwell plate before inserting into the device
  • Choose the right type of plate from the list, so the device knows the dimensions
  • Never leave the drawer open
  • Sample volume (50-200µL/well) must be equal in all wells
  • No solvents or volatile and corrosive liquids shall be used
  • Measurements require the references and controls on the plate with the samples
  • Material of the plate must be compatible with the respective readout


Serial No.: 2104008209                

FUB Inventory No.: 72000093300

Safety Operation Instruction (German):

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