
This is a fun activity for kids when trying to deepen vocabulary knowledge of certain word fields.

This can be for example be done after finishing a unit about a certain topic (e.g. animals in the zoo) to make sure that the vocabulary is understood and saved in the pupils' memories.

Target group and Time

Groups under the age of 13 and with roughly the same knowledge of the subject. You should not do this longer than 10-15 minutes or it might become stale.

Learning objectives

Learning certain words within word fields and being able to differentiate from words outside that wordfield.

This will also strengthen the learners association of specific words with their respective word fields and will thereby make them more robust in the learner's (long-term)memory.

Instructions to set up the activity

  • Make sure that all of the kids know what the concept of a "word field" (or word group/family) is. Use examples for an easy understanding.
  • Everybody walks around the room (or other available space).
  • A word field is chosen.
  • The game master (teacher) will then say different words that may or may not be from that word field.
  • If the game master says a word that is part of the chosen word field, everybody has to freeze in place.
  • A volunteer is then chosen to act out the word and everybody else has to act it out in the same manner.
  • While the students are acting the word out, the game master can say the word out loud again and have the students repeat it verbally.
  • After that is done, everybody starts moving again until another word of that word field is said.

Letting it run

Throughout the game you can have students suggesting other word fields they are all familiar with.

You can also have a student lead the activity for a short time (~1m) by thinking of words by themselves. However, only pick students that are willing to do this.

  • Keine Stichwörter