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Location: Altensteinstr. 23a, rooms 114.7 (S2 Biolabs) or chemistry labs SupraFAB

Responsible Persons:

Laura Elomaa, mail:


Type of Measurement:

BioPrinting of 3D materials


  • Gain permission to work in the Biolabs by follwoing the How-to-Start procedure.
  • Get an introduction to the device by the responsible person (see above).
  • To use the BioPrinter locates in the cell culture benche, book the accroding cell culture bench in 114.7!


Serial No.:

CELLINK 3D-Drucker Lumen X+: LMNGM-01-00007

Cellink 3D Biodrucker Inkredible: 213030

FUB Inventory No.:

CELLINK 3D-Drucker Lumen X+:7200010795

Cellink 3D Biodrucker Inkredible: 7200010792

Safety Operation Instruction (German):


  • Keine Stichwörter