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Eolian sand, Zuun mod Elstei, Mongolia




Glass bead is 2000 µ in diameter


Zuun mod Elstei, 50 km east of Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia; E 107°28'55.1"; N 47°47'27.5" 


Mix of (1) granitoid plutonic rocks and (2) low-medium-grade metasedimentary (schist, marble) and possibly metavolcanic rocks.


Mix of translucent - transparent quartz with pink feldspar, white marble and grey-green low-grade metamorphic rocks (schists); possibly also higher-grade metamorphic rocks involved. Few heavy minerals, including garnets.


Characteristic eolian texture: Medium grained (mL-MU; mean ca. 350 µ), well sorted, depending on mineralogy poorly to well rounded. Characteristic polished, matted ("frosted") grain surfaces typical of eolian transport.

Sample number


Date of sampling


Dr. Ochirbat Batkhishig, Institute of Geography, Mongolian Academy of Sciences, Mongolia.

January, 2008


Characteristic eolian texture: Medium grained (mL-MU; mean ca. 350 µ), well sorted, depending on mineralogy poorly to well rounded. Characteristic polished, matted ("frosted") grain surfaces typical of eolian transport.

  • Keine Stichwörter