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Dynamics in BMP signaling.

Suggested literature to fill this chapter and potential subpages:

Review: Crosstalk between Wnt and bone morphogenic protein signaling: A turbulent relationship. [Ref]

Review: Finding partners: how BMPs select their targets. [Ref]

Novel crosstalk to BMP signalling: cGMP-dependent kinase I modulates BMP receptor and Smad activity. [Ref]

PP2A regulates BMP signalling by interacting with BMP receptor complexes and by dephosphorylating both the C-terminus and the linker region of Smad1. [Ref]

BMP signaling dynamics in embryonic orofacial tissue. [Ref]

Structure-function relationship of inhibitory Smads: Structural flexibility contributes to functional divergence. [Ref]

Different routes of bone morphogenic protein (BMP) receptor endocytosis influence BMP signaling. [Ref]

Dynamics and interaction of caveolin-1 isoforms with BMP-receptors. [Ref]

Effect of the distribution and clustering of the type I A BMP receptor (ALK3) with the type II BMP receptor on the activation of signalling pathways. [Ref]

The mode of bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) receptor oligomerization determines different BMP-2 signaling pathways. [Ref]

Bone morphogenetic protein receptor complexes on the surface of live cells: a new oligomerization mode for serine/threonine kinase receptors. [Ref]

Further reading:

  • Keine Stichwörter