This game is a fun way for students to practice sentence structure.

For younger students it works best in small groups of 4-8 students but the groups can be bigger for older students according to their ability to build complex sentence structures. If you have enough students, you can build two teams and whoever figures out the correct sentence first wins.

To prepare:

You need to write down sentences and cut them into smaller bits. Considering your age group, you may want to omit capitalization, punctuation, etc. or mark them in another colour. You may also want to consider collocations (cut between them on purpose or keep them together). You also need to bring some tape.

The activity itself:

Every students gets a part of a sentence stuck to their back. As soon as you allow them, they should check the phrases the other players have and try to line up so you are able to read the correct sentence. They are not allowed to tell the others what their phrase is. After they have figured out the solution you may want to ask them why a certain part of the sentence has to be in this position (especially helpful if students struggled with a specific sentence).

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