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0142 Eolian sand, Mongolia




Zuun mod Elstei, 50 km east of Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia; E 107°28'55.1"; N 47°47'27.5" 


Mix of (1) granitoid plutonic rocks and (2) low-medium-grade metasedimentary (schist, marble) and possibly metavolcanic rocks. Composition: Mix of translucent - transparent quartz with pink feldspar, white marble and grey-green low-grade metamorphic rocks (schists); possibly also higher-grade metamorphic rocks involved. Few heavy minerals, including garnets.


Characteristic eolian texture: Medium grained (mL-MU; mean ca. 350 µ), well sorted, depending on mineralogy poorly to well rounded. Characteristic polished, matted ("frosted") grain surfaces typical of eolian transport.

Sample Number:



Dr. Ochirbat Batkhishig, Institute of Geography, Mongolian Academy of Sciences, Mongolia.

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