
Our theme today is being in nature in the forest. Before we become active, I would like to think and feel our way into this topic.

Target group and Time

The session can be performed from grade four or five on to maybe grade six. The older the students are, the longer they have been learning English, so the easier to describe more complicated things resulting in more advanced vocabulary. There should be at least 15 min for this exercise, more is even better.

Learning objectives

First, to experience that everyone associates different things with sounds. This means students can build on what others say resulting in new ideas. This is nice.

Second, to experience that it is not always necessary to know the exact words for everything and to phrase things perfectly. The key is to be able to communicate somehow, even if it hands and feet need to help in the end.

In addition, vocabulary which fits the topic; learning to come out of their shells and have fun by acting.

Instructions to set up the activity

All students sit together outside on a blanket or in a room on their chairs. If there is space, they are also welcome to lie down for the first part. Afterwards, there must be enough space for acting.

It is also useful to have a speaker to play the music loud enough for everyone to hear. If this is not possible, too external noises might disturb the session.

Letting it run

Choose a comfortable place to sit down and then I would like us all to close our eyes and imagine we are sitting in a big meadow/field/grassy area or on a tree trunk in nature/the forest.

Try to listen carefully and afterwards we will briefly talk about what you saw before your inner eye or what you heard.

Play forest sounds for 1-2 min. This forest sound recorded by klankbeeld can be used. ‘Dichter und hoher Wald’ on Spotify or YouTube are also possible.

Try to show to the group, what you imagined or what you heard. Focus on one thing.
Use all the space you need, your whole body, try to be precise and try different movements, so that your classmates can guess, what you want to demonstrate.

Do you want me to present an example or is there anyone who would like to go first? (demonstrate e.g. fox, rabbit, tree, wind, bird, etc.)

Allow everyone to have at least one turn.

Okay, is there anyone who would like to add something important, that you connect with the topic ‘forest’ or ‘nature’?

It is always possible to write down some vocabulary + ask for knowledge in other languages for a multilingual approach.

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