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I wanted to create a dinosaur-themed exercise involving movement, that was easy to learn and repeat.

Target group and Time

The exercise is targeted towards 4th/5th grades and requires a basic understanding of dinosaur names (e.g., T-Rex, Stegosaurus, Brachiosaurus) and terminology (e.g., tail, horns, wings). The exercise is explained while already doing the different movements and takes around 15 minutes/two rounds.

Learning objectives

The students learn new terms for different body parts of the dinosaurs (e.g., spikes or claws) and connect them to specific movements in a creative way.

Instructions to set up the activity

Dinosaur Workouts:

  • Dinosaur stomp: heavy stomps imitating a big dinosaur, like a T-Rex
  • Pterodactyl wings: arms extended to the sides, quick movements up & down
  • T-Rex reach: imaging very short arms and trying to reach for something (up + forward + down), but snapping back at the last moment
  • Stegosaurus spikes: in a wide stance, touching right hand to left foot and the other way around while imaging big spikes along your spine
  • Brachiosaurus neck: extend arms over the head and imaging them as a long neck, moving side to side

If all students are unfamiliar with dinosaurs, pictures of each dinosaur mentioned may be helpful. (See additional materials for Which dinosaur are you? - Camila )

Letting it run

  1. The students are asked to remove their jackets and backpacks, so they can move freely.
  2. The group forms a circle and spreads out evenly.
  3. The instructor starts the first round and slowly explains every dinosaur exercise.
  4. Short break.
  5. The instructor starts the second round and, in the process, asks the students if they remember what exercise fits which dinosaur.
  6. Now, the students are asked if they can come up with their own exercises and share them with the group.

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