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Why do I need this? check the status of your orders, to save your research data (back-up by ZEDAT) and to find more information about lab safety, forms and guides, etc.


Ask your IT manager (Wiebke Fischer for AG Haag network drive, Katharina Achazi for Zellbio-users network drive) to give you access by providing your zedat account name.

If you are not on campus (connected to ZEDAT-network/WIFI), you have to connect your computer via VPN in advance.

How to Biolab data

Do not store data on this computer & do not use USB ports to connect external storage devices!

But: Use the “zellbio-users network drive to transfer and store image data.


Protocol to access the zellbio-useres network drive on Measurement Computer

Step 1:          Double klick the mount button on the desktop.

Step 2:          Enter your zedat name in the command line window and press enter.

Step 3:          Enter your zedat password in the command line window (you will not see the input) and press enter.

Step 4:          Go to “My computer” and find the “zellbio-users” folder (Z:\\)

Step 4:          Safe your data in “DATA PEOPLE” in your own subfolder.

Step 5:          Disconnect network drive by using the unmount button.

Step 6:          Transfer your data to your own computer.

You need to register your zedat name with the responsible person of your research group and the facility manager Katharina Achazi.

Guide for Windows 10 users

(Access to network drives see below)

Step 1:  Go to “This PC"

Step 2:  Right mouse click on “This PC” and select “map network drive” a window will open

Step 3: Type folder path as

\\\chemie\ag-haag >>> for AG Haag network drive

\\\zellbio-users >>> Zellbio-users network drive

[\\\user\home...] >>> for your personal 50GB space

[You’ll find the folder path to your personal network drive in Zedat WebmailPortalAccountOverviewWindows Home-Directorycopy+paste the folder path]

Step 4: Enable “Reconnect at sign-in” and ”Connect using different credentials”, then “Finish”

Step 5:  The system now requires your username and password:

Enter user name: fu-berlin\”your ZEDAT account name” (without:

Password: “your ZEDAT account password”

Choose "Remember my credentials"

Attention: First Log-in

When you map the network drive for the first time directly after logging in on Anyconnect (VPN), you may get the error message that the username is wrong. That happens when Windows 10 takes automatically the same username like for the log-in on Anyconnect (only Zedat account name without fu-berlin\...).

You can change that easily by choosing "Options", "Log in with other account". Then you have to enter fu-berlin\”your ZEDAT account name” and your password.

When you map the network drive for the first time, choose "Remember my credentials" and the error message should not appear again.

Step 6: Safe your data

Step 7: Disconnect network drive by right click on the network drive and choose “Disconnect”

Guide for Mac users

(Guide for Windows users see above)

Step 1:  Go to “Finder”

Step 2:  Select “Go” > “Connect To Server” (Cmd + K) to open the “Connect to Server” window.


Step 3:  Type folder path as

 smb:// >>> for AG Haag network drive

smb://  >>> Zellbio-users network drive

smb:[//] >>> for your personal 50GB space

[You’ll find the folder path to your personal network drive in Zedat WebmailPortalAccountOverviewWindows Home-Directorycopy+paste the folder path]

→ youd need to change the direction of the backslash \ to slash /

Step 4:  Select “+” and “Connect”

Step 5:  The system now requires your username and password:

Enter user name:\”your ZEDAT account name” (without:

Password: “your ZEDAT account password”

Step 6: Safe your data

Step 7: Disconnect network drive.

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