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Successful time management is a process of approaching the subject. During this process, you learn how to use time efficiently as a resource while also keeping your other goals in mind. The objective is to arrange your everyday life, obligations as a student, and preparations for exams in such a way that you can complete everything satisfactorily. Make sure to include all your personal plans and projects alongside your objectives relating to your study program.

When making your plans, consider your habits and life circumstances.

  • Keep a record of your activities for a week.
  • Or you can make your record as a picture. Arrange everything you did on a certain day clockwise on a sheet of paper. The specific day is at the center.
  • If you compare how your working week is scheduled against your plan for the coming week, you can see whether your plans are realistic and may also get an idea of where you can make changes in your day-to-day activities if you see that you need to change how you manage your time in order to reach your goals.

It’s important to keep track of all the work ahead, not just the things directly related to preparing for exams.

You need to define your goals clearly, so you should identify which work steps are needed to do so. We believe making a to do list is essential. It is best to note how important the different tasks are at the same time.

Don’t be surprised if your plans aren’t realistic right from the start. People often underestimate the scale of the work and overestimate how efficiently they work. The trick is to get closer to what is possible and what you would like to achieve.


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