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Location:  Altensteinstr. 23a (SupraFAB), lab 027.1 (S2 area)


The sample preparation lab is dedicated to the direct preparation of living samples for optical micvrscopy as cells, plants and other organsisms. It is equipped with

Requirements e.g. device specific training & safety briefing:

  1. Register as new user for SupraFAB by writing to, provide personal info (name, working group, status/activity, office and laboratory room number) and confirm your particiaption in the next SupraFAB safety briefing taking place usually the first Monday of the month, 10:00 - 12:00 (if you do not get a confirmation, please write another email or contact the SupraFAB coordinator or secratary in room 102 or 203, see SupraFAB Homepage)
  2. Fill the transponder form with work safety questionaire (2. page), let it sign by your research group head and the respective responsible persons in supraFAB and finally hand in to Katharina Tebel (office 103) or Achim Wiedekind (office 102). 
  3. Contact the responsible person shown in OpenIris ( get an an introduction & training to the lab.
  4. Follow the addtional info for full accesss on the Access to the Optical Microscopy (OM) Facility page.
  5. Book the device using OpenIRIS (protocls see here).

Note: Scientific guests as well as non-scientific staff such as service personal from companies also need to get introduced by one of the PIs for genetic engeeneering (see Biolab Team & Lab Phone Numbers). The introducution and documentation forms and slides can be found on the safety intro page ( The documentation forms and permission forms need to be stored in the repsective folder in office 111.

  • Keine Stichwörter