After your enrollment at the Freie Universität Berlin, you are required to re-register for every coming semester. This re-registration is necessary for you to stay officially enrolled at Freie Universität Berlin also to obtain your certificate of matriculation as well as for the usage of your semester ticket. The re-registration is simply accomplished by paying the semester fee. The semester fee consist of the following components (for the winter semester 2020/21):

  • 50.00 €  enrollment fee/re-registration fee
  • 54.09 €  semester contribution to the student support service
  • 10.00 €  including a 8.80 € contribution to the student union and 1.20 € to the “Semesterticketbüro“ (semesterticket office)
  • 198.80 €  transportation ticket contribution (tariff area ABC), includes 5.00 € to the Social Fond

For every semester there is a period in which you can re-register. Approximately four weeks before the re-registration deadline, you will receive a payment reminder via e-mail to your Zedat e-mail account, in which the concrete steps for the payment are explained again. Please be aware, that even if you for some reason do not receive a payment reminder via e-mail, you still have to pay the semester fees in time. Otherwise an additional late payment fee of 19,94 € is charged. If you do not pay the semester fee at all, this means even after further requests from the student administration to do so, they will start the de-registration procedure. The official deadline for the re-registration can be seen here.

For further and current information, look at the following pages:

After successfully paying the semester fees, you will receive an e-mail that confirms your re-registration for the coming semester. Please note that it takes the student administration some days to register your payment and to send you this e-mail. Now you are able to print out your current certificate of enrollment.

Your semester ticket is already included in your Campus Card. The Campus Card combines your student ID with the dining hall card, the VBB transit ticket, and the library ID, all in a single card. You can find more detailed information about the functions of the Campus Card at the following links:

If you have chosen your Campus Card with the photo option, you can use it as VBB transit ticket without a separate photo ID. If your Campus Card does not contain a photo, you are required to carry a passport or ID to validate your semester ticket. Moreover, it is important to validate your Campus Card at the validation machines at Freie Universität Berlin before the start of a new semester. The validation of your Campus Card for a new semester can only be done, if you successfully completed the payment of your semester fees. Here, you can find the locations of the validation machines.

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