
The game is about zoo animals and interesting/important information about them, such as habitat, diet, or endangered status.

Target group and Time

The task is for a group of children around 8 years, so grade 4. It takes about 5-10 minutes and should be played in an open space or on a stage.

Learning objectives

The players need to figure out how to describe the animals with words they know or how to mime the animals so other players can guess the correct animal. The pictures on the cards help the students connect their thoughts with pictures and get the opportunity to ask for new vocabulary words. The players can decide if they want to explain a zoo animal card just verbally (taboo) or act out the animal (mime).

Instructions to set up the activity

The teacher should make and print out cards (cards can be adjusted according to target group). Animals which can be chosen are: giraffe, frog, tiger, horse, pig, cat, duck, chicken, flamingo, penguin, snake, crocodile, fish, monkey, lion, and elephant.

Letting it run

As a teacher you can/should let the first student pick a card and, if needed, help the student with missing vocabulary or help the guessing students by giving tips. 

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