Location: Altensteinstr. 23a, 114.5, 114.6, 114.7, 115, 115.5 (S2 Biolabs) &  027.1 (S2 OM)

Responsible Person:

Katharina Achazi, phone: 59145,  katharina.achazi@fu-berlin.de

Stefanie Wedepohl, phone 58721, stefanie.wedepohl@fu-berlin.de

Elisa Quaas, Arnimallee 22, lab E027, phone: 63652, mail: eqaas@zedat.fu-berlin.de

Johanna Scholz, Arnimallee 22, lab E027, phone: 71087, mail: johanna.scholz1@fu-berlin.de


  • All users must gain permission to work in the Biolabs and access to the “Zellbio-users” network drive by attending the Biosafety instructions (--> Katharina Achazi)
  • All users must get an introduction to the device by the responsible person
  • exchhage water and clean water bath once a months or when contaminated/dirty → DO NOT put the waterbath for cleaning in the sink for cleaning to prevent damage of electric parts
  • refill with autoclaved water and add 2 ml Aqua Stabil per liter water

Type of measurement:

Automated counting of cells by captiuring a high resolution image of your cells and analyzes the image to produce total, live, and dead cell counts. Cells can be counted unstained or stained. cell viability data is assessed for cells stained with trypan blue or erythrosin B. Live cells are tagged with green circles and dead cells are tagged with red circles.


Serial No.:

1547116 (VWR VVB18, Arnimallee 22, E002)

BQ1639008 (VWR VWB2, Arnimallee 22, E004)

FUB Inventory No.:

72000049220 (VWR VVB18, Arnimallee 22, E002)

72000057260 (VWR VWB2, Arnimallee 22, E004)

Safety Operation Instruction (German):


  • Keine Stichwörter