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VWR UHP Single Channel Mechanical (VWR International) - Pipette ...


almost every lab

Responsible Person:

Stefanie Wedepohl Tel 58721, (Arnimallee 22)

Antara Sharma (Takustr. 3)

Type of measurement:

Precise low volume liquid dispensing


  • For micropipettes in the Biolabs: Every workspace has their own set of pipettes, they need to stay at this place and can not be taken elsewhere 
  • pipettes are for aqueous solutions only
  • disposable plastic tips need to be attached for use
  • Pipettes need to be operated slowly to avoid bubbling and contamination of the inner channel
  • never lay down a pipette when a filled pipette tip is attached as this may result in liquid entering the pipette
  • if liquid was drawn into the inner channel, immediately disassemble and clean it, refer to the manual for instruction.
  • pipettes need calibration and maintenance, grease and calibration tools are in the original box. There is a box with a collection of spare parts and accessories in E027 Arnimallee 22.
  • only proper dispensing technique ensures accurate volumes (e.g. always touch the vessel walls when dispensing, don't insert the tip more than a few mm into the liquid, etc. see below)
  • observe the tips during use helps avoiding errors  (air bubbles, tip not attached properly, droplets outside the tip) 
  • report broken pipets to the responsible person, they will be collected and shipped for repair/calibration


(images link to the resp. manuals)


VWR UHP manual.pdf



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