
In this activity, students practice grammar, focusing on adjectives in their comparative and superlative forms (by adding er or est at the end). Each student picks a small card with a farm animal name and three adjectives. They pretend to be the animal and use those adjectives to describe themselves in the mirror.

Target group and Time

The activity can be done and performed by each student due to the fact that they already have the pattern they need to follow, and they also have the help of the animal poster, so they can see and compare the animals. There was no time limit because each has his/her own capacity and ability.

Learning objectives

The main goal of the activity is for the students to learn how to compare using the correct form, and to be able to play the role of maybe their favorite animal on the farm with an imaginary mirror.

Instructions to set up the activity

The teacher starts with very brief phrases talking to the imaginary mirror and saying:

Mirror mirror on the wall, am I large or am I small?

Am I short or am I tall?

And then explain why we use adjectives in general and then why we need the two forms in our daily life. Then each student will be asked to describe something around him/herself.

Before starting the game or the activity the teacher gives an example of how it’s done and to make sure that it is clear to each one, the teacher asks one of the helpers to do it first, and then it is voluntary for the students to choose who is up next, but all must participate.

Letting it run

The teacher holds the imaginary mirror and tries to help in case needed or correct the students when using the wrong adjectives or the wrong form.

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