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Beach sand, Big Island, Hawaii, USA


Onekahakaha Beach Park (Hilo)

Unknown macro: {table-cell}



Hilo, Onekahakaha Beach Park, Big Island, Hawaii, USA

Depositional facies

medium to high energy beach


local mixture of offshore bivalve shells and mafic lava


Aragonitic (calcite ?) and phosphatic shell fragments; basaltic VRFs


poorly sorted, subrounded, white, brownish to red, dark gray to black, medium to coarse sand (250 to 1250 μm)

Petrographic thin section:


insert here short description of thin section

insert here a bright field image


insert here a dark field image

Bright field

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Dark field

Sample number

replace this with sample number


replace this with name and institution of collector

Date of sampling

replace this with date of sampling


replace this text with further comments about the sand ecc.

replace this text with link to daughter page

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