Welcome to the Wiki of Gender 2 Course "Different Images"
To connect students with new media and people of different images, the Free University of Berlin, Dept. of Educational Science and Psychology, Inclusive Education, Physical Activity and Sport started the project "Andere Bilder - Different Images". Students are searching for activists and insiders from the field of gender, disability and sport, or in broader terms of physicality. With specific questions in mind and the video camera in their hands the students learn how to produce a video interview.
Different Images is an initiative from and for students, teachers, pupils, to promote critical and inclusive thinking of these different images: a web platform delivers visual insights directly into the classrooms.
Part of this course is producing a Teachers Guide and developing a wiki about how to produce a video interview.
What's that - a Wiki? A Wiki is a tool for developing content together. Every team has an own page here.
This is the "Home"-Page with an introduction, an overview of the working groups, links to instructions with regard to the wiki and contents. Below you see actual messages, the wiki-navigation and the overview of the recently changed pages.
Further Instructions: Wiki and Contents
Pages of the working groups:
- Interviewleitfaden / Questionaire: Caroline, Marie, Maxie
- Planung des Interviews / Planning of interviews: Nina, Anke, Ulli
- Durchführung des Videointerviews / Run the Interview: Anika, Rita, Lena, Frederike
- Videoschnitt / Video editing: Hania, Ambati, Belén, Holle, Anna
- Präsentation / Presentation: Florian, Marcus
Feedback: Questions about the wiki, about the project and suggestions for next courses
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Das Wiki steht für euch bereit!
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Infoflyer "Andere Bilder"
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