
The game, as the title suggests, has to do with concentration. By combining rhythm and movement, students learn to concentrate in a playful setting. 

Target group and Time

The game can be played from grade 5 onwards. Depending on the adaptation and the number of students taking part, it can take up 5-10 mins. It can also take longer if the tasks/phrases are more complicated.

Learning objectives

The objective is to help students focus on a task, by having to concentrate on the rhythm, the movements as well as the phrases used. It requires that students listen closely to the teacher, but also to each other. This game is also a way for students to practice words or phrases that have been introduced previously. 


The starting point of the game is teacher and students sitting in a circle. The teacher models a clapping rhythm: 

1) slap both thighs 2) clap both hands 3) right "thumbs up" over right shoulder 4) left "thumbs up" over left shoulder

In time with the movements the teacher speaks the syllables: 

1) conc- 2)-cen- 3)-tra- 4)-tion /

1) - 2) - 3) Are you 4) ready /

1) - 2) - 3) Let's 4) Go! / 

1) - 2) - 3) Own name 4) Student 1 /

1) - 2) - 3) Student 1 4) Student 2

1) - 2) - 3) Student 2 4) Student X etc.

Letting it run

In the beginning it can be quite difficult for students to keep up the movement and rhythm, and speak at the same time. In that case the game can function as a warm-up. If the group has really mastered the task, the teacher can be creative and make it even harder. 


  • If a students makes a mistake, e.g. says the other persons name first instead of their own, hesitates too much etc. they're out.
  • Instead of a name, use a phrase: 1) My 2) name 3) is 4) ... / 1) and 2) I 3) like 4) ... (favourite food or animal or place etc.). The rest of the group can repeat this by using pronouns, e.g. 1) Her  2) name 3) is 4) ...
  • To make it even more difficult, instead of the names, use the 'favourite thing'.
  • Instead of names, use signs, e.g. wave, thumbs down, thumbs sideways, peace sign, "Eddie would go" etc.
  • Keine Stichwörter