
The students should walk around the room and greet each other. They can shake their hands, wave, hug etc.

After one or two minutes, the teacher gives the group a new idea. They have to greet each other in a specific way. 


  • sb. you don't really trust
  • sb. that lost a long-time friend
  • sb. who has a really bad smell
  • sb. you have a crush on
  • with a random, made-up language
    • respond in the same language!
  • like you are a cowboy
  • like you are a soldier
  • like a business person that is too late for an appointment

Target group and Time

This kind of game can be used in every foreign language classroom. It is applicable to younger children, as well as, adults.

This game requires approximately 5-10 minutes, it depends on how many people are in the game.

Learning objectives

Learners will be able to acquire some new vocabulary, as well as, some interaction/drama skills. This game can be used in a drama class as an ice-breaker. People get to know each other and are confident in their learning environment.

  • Keine Stichwörter


  1. I saw part of this lesson, and I liked all the interaction. The format seemed like a safe space for shy and very extroverted learners. I like how many specific examples for different situations you have.