Freie Universität Berlin offers its students various opportunities to go abroad. The first sources of information therefore are the International Office:

Student Mobility Unit
Iltisstr. 4
14195 Berlin
Telephone: +49 (0)30 838-70000
Fax: +49 (0)30 838-73420


and the Website of the Institute of Sociology

Erasmus coordinator of the Institute of Sociology:
Mirjam Dageförde 

Below you will find short overview of the three most important programs for studying abroad.

Direct exchange:

What does the program offer?

  • Study places at over 100 partner universities worldwide
  • Exemption from tuition fees at the partner universities
  • In some cases free board and lodging or partial scholarships for living expenses
  • Support by the central direct exchange team and by the International Office of the host university

Erasmus+ worldwide program: 

What does the program offer?

  • Exchange study places at selected partner universities outside Europe
  • Exemption from tuition fees at partner universities
  • Monthly scholarship payment of 700 € and a travel allowance depending on the distance of the destination country
  • Additional financial support for students with disabilities
  • Academic recognition of credits achieved abroad on the basis of the Erasmus+ Learning Agreement
  • Support from the central Erasmus+ worldwide team at the FU Berlin and the partner university
  • Up to 12 months funding per study section (BA, MA, doctorate) or 24 months for state examination courses (the various Erasmus+ formats can be combined)
  • Application via direct exchange tenders

Erasmus+ Europe & Swiss-European Mobility Program:

What does the program offer?

  • Over 2,000 study places at more than 350 partner universities in 33 European countries
  • Partner universities and exchange opportunities vary depending on study program at the FU
  • Exemption from tuition fees at the partner universities
  • Monthly financial contribution
  • Additional financial support for Erasmus+ students with special needs (child(ren), disability, chronic diseases)
  • Academic recognition of credits achieved abroad on the basis of the Learning Agreement
  • Support from the central Erasmus team and the decentralized Erasmus coordinators and by the partner university
  • Repeated participation up to 12 months support per study cycle (BA, MA, doctorate) or 24 months for single degree programs (State Examination, First Legal Examination) possible
  • The responsible Erasmus coordinators of the departments and institutes advise on exchange opportunities, receive the applications and decide on the allocation of places

Besides these programs to study abroad, there are also other options to go abroad:

For more detailed information see also the Brochure “Ins Ausland und zurück” (only German Version available). 

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