• here are different contact flows within nobias network.
    • To allow seamless communication, four email lists have been created: one for the whole network (etn@l3s.de), one for the Executive Board (eb-nobias@l3s.de), one for the Supervisory Board (sb-nobias@l3s.de) and one for the ESRs (esr-nobias@l3s.de). A shared folder on Google Drive has been created for the purposes of keeping NoBIAS resources (reports, presentations, meeting minutes, project documents, etc.) accessible throughout the NoBIAS network. A Microsoft Teams channel has also been created and all the members of the network have been added to the channel for smooth event/meeting scheduling, network-wide chat room discussions, etc. A separate Slack channel has been created for the ESRs to discuss several topics relevant to NoBIAS, form smaller discussion groups based on common topics, and help the ESRs work collaboratively towards the interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary goals of NoBIAS.
    • ESRs:
      1. Mayra (ESR-1, LUH-L3S): ...
      2. Siamak (ESR-2, LUH-L3S-FUB): ...
      3. Ioanna (ESR-3, LUH-IRI):...
    • EB:
      1. Wolfgang: ...
      2. Maria Ester: ...
      3. Christian Heinze: ...
      4. Harith Alani:...
      5. Miriam Fernandez: ...
      6. Salvatore: ...
      7. ..
  • AIML-group in FU:
  1. Siamak: siamak.ghodsi@fu-berlin.de 
  2. Eirini: eirini.ntoutsi@fu-berlin.de
  3. Arjun: ..
  4. Philip: ...
  5. Manolis: ...
  6. Yi: ...
  7. Tai: ...
  8. Manuel: ...
  9. Simone: ...
  10. Alaa; ...
  • Keine Stichwörter