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Moderation & Minutes


  • What role doe do Open Eductional Ressources play for the group
    • It is a part of our concept and we are happy to include it
    • There will be a OER workshop in the context of (March)
    • There does not seem to be much OER activity at FU (but it's so easy)
    • HBZ has a systematic OER hub
    • We could invite a prominent actor / advocate for OER that we could invite to promote the topic
    • MvBZ for Gender Studies is very interested in the topic
    • Nikolas Eisentraut: Open Handbook & Case book for students
    • "Support für die Lehre" could
    • possible format: keynote + practice examples of FU
    • DIPF?
    • OSI project Memucho - nominated for OER award 2017
    • Toolbox gender & diversity in der Lehre
    • OER map - can be used to find speakers & OER atlas
    • Sascha collects first ideas for an event - we are aiming at Q2
