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To facilitate your quick start with Webex, we have prepared the most important information for you and we have provides a number of selected hands-on instructions on this website.
In this Webex Wiki you will also find further guidelines on how to use the individual Webex products.

Best wishes,

Your FUB IT Services

How to participate in a course via Webex?


Various Webex products are available to students for these purposes:

  • Webex Meetings for  meetings meetings and group collaboration
  • Webex Training for meetings and collaboration in a group and in subgroups
  • Webex Teams for spontaneous exchange (also exchange of files) without extensive preparation.

You will find a detailed explanation on how to use these products in this step-by-step-instruction.

Following requirements should be fulfilled to act as a Host in Webex:

  • Web browser or installed desktop app (recommended)
  • Mikrohone  (integrated or external,  e.g. via a deadset)
  • Webcam (empfohlenrecommended).

We recommend using a desktop or laptop (Windows 10, macOS, Linux). It is generally possible to schedule and moderate your own Webex rooms using a mobile device (iOS / iPadOS, Android), however; you may experience restrictions in handling.

Detailed instructions on how to schedule and run meetings in Webex can be found in this Wikithe Webex Wik:

Webex Meeting

Webex Training
