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  1. Personalausweis und Matrikelbescheinigung bereithalten
  2. Getränk und Knabberzeug bereithalten
  3. Für ruhige, konzentrationsförderliche Umgebung sorgen (in WG z.B. Zettel an die Tür hängen)Für technische Notfälle (Computerabsturz, Probleme mit der Internetverbindung etc.) notieren Sie sich bitte die Rufnummer des technischen Supports: +49.30.838-54838. 
  4. Erläuterungen zum Umgang mit ggf. während der Prüfung auftretenden technischen Problemen erfolgen zu Prüfungsbeginn im Rahmen der gemeinsamen Einführung mit dem/der Lehrenden.
  5. Bitte beachten Sie, dass während der Prüfung automatisiert ein technisches Prüfungsprotokoll angefertigt wird. Dieses wird zur technischen Fehleranalyse herangezogen.


Stepf of the E-Examinations@Home

Before the exam

  1. Make sure you have your ID card and student ID / certificate of matriculation ready. You need them to identify yourself before you are allowed to begin the examination.
  2. Organise something to drink/eat as necessary-
  3. Find a quiet room where you can concentrate during the exam (put a "do not disturb" sign on the door if you use a shared space).Write down the number of the technical support in case of technical difficulties during the exam (computer crashes, internet problems, ...): +49.30.838-54838. 
  4. Explanations of how to deal with any technical problems that may arise during the exam are given at the beginning of the exam as part of the joint introduction with the teacher.
  5. Please be aware: an automatic technical examination protocol is created during the examination which can be used for error analysis.

Talk with the professor/tutor

  1. Before the start of the exam: please go to the Webex Meetings Room of the professor who conducts the examination (the Safe Exam Browser is not needed yet, use a normal browser).
  2. The professor will give you a rundown of the exam procedure and any last instructions. 
  3. Make sure you have your ID card and student ID / certificate of matriculation ready. 

Identity verification

  1. The identity of each student enrolled for the exam will be checked in the Webex Meeting Room of the professor, directly after the exam procedure is explained.
  2. Due to privacy and data protection laws you will be returned to the lobby of the Webex Meeting Room and invited in separately to confirm your identity. 
    Please be aware that your microphone and webcam must be working for this!

Starting the exam

  1. Close the Webex  Meetings App and all other programs running on your computer.  
  2. Start the Safe Exam Browser 
  3. Enter your login data for the exam
  4. Start the exam.
  5. Open the support channel. There is no separate login needed to use the support channel.

During the exam

  • Technical questions are normally not answered during an exam. Familiarise yourself with the exam software before (e.g. using the demo exam provided for you).
  • You can give feedback on individual questions using the "comment" button.
  • You can use the support channel for important questions during the exam (e.g. minor technical difficulties). Please remember that no questions concerning the contents of the exam will be answered here. 
  • In case of technical difficulties during the exam (computer crashes, internet problems, ...) you can call the technical help team using this phone number: +49.30.838-54838 (please write it down before the exam!)
  • Your professor will let you know if any questions concerning the contents of the exam will be answered beforehand.

End of the exam

  • After you finished the exam you can log out of the exam platform and close the Safe Exam Browser.
  • The results of the exam will be announced by your professor/tutor.
