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  • Due to the strict splitting-up of tasks for an "active participation", a lot more output was able to be produced by the students regarding written and edited texts. This can be seen as being a very positive effect when it comes to writing courses. Sadly, there were also less serious content being produced (soccer news coverage style).     
  • Working The amount of time spent working with Blackboard increased significantly for both participants and lecturer. However, the  Arbeit mit Blackboard hat sich bei TN und Dozentin stark erhöht. Dennoch lässt sich die Anstrengung nicht wirklich mit didaktischen Vorteilen begründen. Die Arbeit einer Gruppe an einem Blogeintrag wurde zumeist zu einer Einzelleistung, die von den restlichen Gruppenmitgliedern 'mit benutzt' wurde. Hier fehlt mir noch ein Konzept zur Anleitung von Gruppenarbeit, die wirklich zu einem Gemeinschaftsprodukt führt. Die Tandems waren nicht intim genug - teilweise wurde nur der thematische Inhalt der Unterrichtseinheit beschrieben, weder verarbeitet noch hinterfragt o. Ä.Auch hier wäre ein klares Konzept zur Anleitung und Motivation zu entwerfen.
  • Sehr erfreulich erscheint mir die Wirkung des Produktes FU-Wiki. Die oben beschriebenen Effekte einer didaktischen Aufbereitung des Gelernten durch den Lerner für andere Lerner sollte in späteren Kursen unbedingt verstärkt werden. Man lernt am besten, wenn man selbst lehrt - das kennt jeder reflektierte Dozent. Hier sehe ich bei 'langsamer Füllung' des Wikis auch eine schöne Möglichkeit, eine Evaluation des Produktes durch weitere Generationen von Kurs-TN vornehmen zu lassen.
  • Die Effekte des Whiteboards möchte ich hier doch nicht unerwähnt lassen. Im Kurs mit den Beispielen der TN entwickelte Tafelbilder haben für mich einen unschätzbaren Wert. Das Foto als Brücke vom analogen Offline- ins digitale Online-Szenario erscheint mir noch wenig optimal.

Die Begeisterung der Dozentin gegnüber dem gewählten Blended-Learning-Konzept hält sich in Grenzen. Ich werde das Szenario aber weiter pflegen und nach Optimierungen schauen, die das noch recht 'hölzerne' Konzept für die Nutzer motivierender gestaltet. Der erste Versuch ist nie der beste.

Further information

  • the extra effort put in can't really be substantiated with didactic advantages that one now has. Working in a group on a certain blog entry was, at most times, usually the work of one individual which was 'used' by the other group members. Here I am still missing a concept for managing groupwork that really does come up with a joint product in the end. The tandems weren't intimate enough either - partly only the topic-related contents of the teaching unit were described; this was not really worked on in-depth or questioned etc. Here as well a clear concept for managing and motivating the participants has to be designed and implemented.   
  • What was a very positive aspect was the effect of the FU wiki. The above-described effects of a didactic processing of the content learned by the learner for other learners in subsequent courses should definitely be continued and enforced. One learns best if one teaches that what one has learned - this is known by every educator who actually reflects on this. With the 'slowly filling-up' wiki I also see a nice possibility of having the product evaluated by further generations of course participants. 
  • I would also like to mention the effects of the whiteboard. The course that contains the examples posted by the participants have an inestimable value fo me. The image as a bridge between the analog offline world and a digital online scenario hasn't been fully optimized for my liking as yet.    

The enthusiasm of the lecturer when it comes to the chosen blended learning concept is limited to a certain degree. But I will work on and maintain the scenario and will see how I can optimize it. Here the focus is on designing the still quite 'wooden' concept in a more motivational manner for the participants. The first attempt is never the best.   

Further information

see the wiki: "Academic writing workshop"siehe Wiki: „Wissenschaftliche Schreibwerkstatt

Support offerey by CeDiS

  • Consulting services for the implementation of digital solutions in teaching: The Center for Digital Systems (CeDiS) has extensive experience of many years when it comes to the implementation of digital media and systems within the fields of teaching, learning and research. We offer a wide variety of consulting services on the implementation of these tools and systems within the entire academic scope and especially at Freie Universität Berlin. 
  • Training courses and workshops: For lecturers at Freie Universität Berlin (professors, employees, tutors) as well as lecturers of other universities CeDiS offers training courses and workshops on the topic of teaching and learning with digital media. These course enable participants to implement online elements within their own sphere of teaching.
  • The Executive Board of the Freie Universität supports e-learning initiatives: With the e-learning funding program financial resources are provided to lecturers that enrich and improve their courses quality-wise by implementing technological and media-related support. All of the academic staff teaching, the lecturers or even the institutions of the Freie Universität - without the Charité-Universitätsmedizin - can be supported within this program.
