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A definite added value – especially when it comes to introducing the LMS in one's own teaching – is "bought" due to the quite high preparatory and time factor implemented. Assistant lecturers that only offer a course once or sporadically should not fully incorporate an LMS in their teaching. For lecturers that teach standardized courses this extra effort does pay off. The invested time pans out as the results of the seminar has shown and which is of an added benefit when it comes to the repitition repetition of a course - especially time-wise. The internship as a whole was, on the one hand, with the aid of the Delphi method, evaluated anonymously and, on the other hand, evaluated in a written reflection and a discussion round on a non-anonymous basis. Here the students evaluated the e-learning offers provided as especially positive. Especially for the first two run-throughs, the discussion rounds resulted in very constructive proposals in order to design the offerings in a clearer manner. In addition, the unused functions (such as the calendar) were pointed out. These suggestions were taken into account for the update of the offered course for the next group (Walter 2008:4).
