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  • Diese Zeile wurde hinzugefügt.
  • Diese Zeile wurde entfernt.
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  • Space has to be available for content such as experiments being executed.
  • Changes and/or aditions additions have to be clearly recognizable.
  • Deleting data should not be possible.
  • There must be an automatic timestamp added for every single entry. 
  • It needs to be correctable and editable.

The FU wiki system was chosen as it fulfills all of the stipulations above and also provides soem some additional advantages. There is IT support by CeDiS and data protection is easily doable. And, access is easy and at a low threshold: Using the FU wiki system is similar to the Wikipedia encyclopedia and can be easily and intuitively applied and worked with. The disadvantage of the FU wiki system is that it was originally designed for being used for other applications such as text-based content.  


In order to make it easier for students to us ethe use the application, a tutorial video was created which shows the most important functions. The teaching project "Digital laboratory book" was accompanied by an evaluation questionnaire in the last two semesters (winter semester 2017/2018 and summer semester 2018).  


All in all I have made some good experiences with the teaching project "Digital laboratory book". The students were open for these ideas and were also willing to bring along their laptops or other devices so that they could work on the digital laboratory book without a problem. They saw what the advantages were when it came to a digital version of the laboratory book. I am of the opinion that the digital laboratory book can be used on a continuous basis within the scope of the carbohydrates internship.  

The chosen program – program – the FU wiki sytem – system – was, as originally thought, very user-friendly and intuitive in the application. Therefore, the barrier to use this program was quite low. In addition, I also created a short tutorial in order to make using the application a lot easier.    
