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Upcoming Meeting

23.02.2022- 11am

online via Webex: to be announced- online via Webex


Meeting February 23rd, 2022

Suggested topics

  • Future of the mailing list - info channel for everyone vs. organisation channel for our community
  • Can we plan a community learning event for April or May?

Meeting January 27th, 2022

Suggested Schedule

4pmWelcome, Short intro to OSWG
4:05Getting to know each other
4:15collecting topics
4:45What's next @ OSWG?

Aim of the meeting

The main aim of this meeting is getting to know each other respectively getting in touch again.

Furthermore, it would be exciting to learn which topics everyone is currently dealing with and which developments in the field of OS you are particularly interested in. 

How shall we proceed with the OSWG in terms of regular meetings, topics to be covered.



  • Franziska Harnisch (UB, Open Science Community Building)
  • Moritz Maxeiner (Informatik, Open.Make, Open Hardware)
  • Sascha Eckhold (UB/CeDiS, Dienste für Lehre und Studium, Fortbildung, OER)
  • Daniel Mietchen (Biophysik,,,, Wikipedia, Wikidata) 
  • Esther Asef (UB, Forschungdsdatenmanagement)
  • Andreas Hübner (Geowissenschaften, UB FDM Liaison Librarian, NFDI4Earth)
  • Cosima Wagner (UB, Forschungsbibliothekarin Digital Humanities FDM Area Studies & Ostasienwissenschaften, Japanologie)
  • Malte Henningsen (PostDoc PhilGeist Linguistik, Neuronale Netze)
  • Sibylle Söring (UB, Leitung Team FDM; Digital Humanities)
  • Alex Fütterer (Team FDM)
  • Christina Riesenweber (UB, Team Open Access und wissenschaftliches Publizieren)


  • establishing and implementing Open Science beacon projects @FU
  • creating a collection of Use Cases und Best Practices to have a place where to refer to and look up practical hints
  • taking part in shaping the Open Science Policy of FU
  • organize events to collaboratively learn about a certain topic (inviting experts as well as sharing knowledge we already have in our circle) - possibly events for a more general public
  • visualization tools
  • data analysis and data exploration
  • interim publications and interim releases with value for teaching
    • Software and Hardware are interim products, their creation should also be credited/ rewarded

What's next for OSWG

  • Include "Open Scholarship" and "Open Research" to better address humanities
  • involve students/ representatives of the student body
  • involve people, who deal with teaching in higher education
  • We go on collecting and sharing ideas here in the wiki (Contact Franziska to get writing permission or send your remarks directly to Franziska)
  • We try to attract more interested people
  • We will meet monthly
    • Please fill in your preferences for the meeting end of February here
    • suggested topics can be added in the wiki in the section "suggested topics" of each meeting