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katharina achazi

Dr. Katharina Achazi, Postdoc

, AG Haag

Tel. 838 59145

Altensteinstr. 23a, room 111Expertise/Group Job: Cellular Interaction of Nanoparticles, Optical Microscopy: Fluorescence Microscopy, Confocal Microscopy and STED Microscopy, SPR, Microfluidics, Cellular Culture and Cytotoxicity Studies (Eucaryotic Cells and Bacteria), Liquid Nitrogen Supply

Dr. Stefanie Wedepohl, Postdoc

, AG Haag

Tel. 838 58721

Altensteinstr. 23a, room 105

Image Added

Dr. Daniel Lauster, Junior Group Leader

Tel. 838 66286

Altensteinstr. 23a, room 202aExpertise/Group Job: Cellular Interaction of Nanoparticles, Protein Expression and Purification, SDS-PAGE, ÄKTA (FPLC), GelDoc (Fluorescence Documentation System), Confocal Microscopy, Microfluidics, Plate Reader, Micro Pipettes, CO2 Supply Cell Culture, Liquid Nitrogen Supply

Elisa Quaas, Technician (BTA)

, AG Haag

Tel. 838 57942

Altensteinstr. 23a, room 111

Expertise/Group Job: Cellular Culture and Cytotoxicity Studies (Eucaryotic Cells and Bacteria), Mycoplasm PCR, SPR, CLAKS (Chemical Database of FUB), Cell Line and Bacterial Strain Collection of the Biolab, Biolab Safety: General Lab and Work safety, Biolab Orders

Johanna Scholz

Johanna Scholz, Technician (BTA)

, AG Weinhart

Altensteinstr. 23a, room 111

Tel. 838 71087, 58212

Expertise/Group Job: Cell Culture and Tissue Engineering, qPCR/real-time PCR, Flow Cytometry, Nanodrop, Biolab Orders