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  1. Book a biolab On-site Intro based on the biolab agreement with the Biolab Technicians.

  2. Fill the access & transponder form with work safety questionaire(3. page)and bring it with you to the On-site Intro (afterwards hand in to Katharina Tebel (office 103) or Achim Wiedking (office 102) to get transponder access).
    Note:The first and third page need to be signed by your reseach group head!

  3. (a) Participate in person in the biannual S2 Biosafety & Laser safety instruction (dates see here) OR
    (b) if you missed the last S2 safety instruction (dates see here), watch the provisional S2 safety Biosafety instruction, and prove this with a short exam at the end of the on-site intro.
    Note: To keep access, it is mandatory to attend the biannualS2 safety instructionin personat least once a year.

  4. Become familiar with the safety guidelins, instructions and rules.

  5. Register for the instrument booking system OpenIRIS by follwoing the pdf protocols on the OpenIRIS Booking System page.
    Note: If you have no FUB Email,applywith help of the your research group for a guest zedat Email account.

  6. Subscribe to the Biolab Email List and join the biolab whatsapp group for fast exchange of information.
