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for SupraFAB Labs including Genetic Engineering Facility 92/14 (S2)

Scientific Personal & Scientific Guests

Watch the videos below. Do not download but watch online as otheriwse errors can occur.Recording of the Biolab & OM Safety Instruction (version: Janury 2024):

  1. Intro & Contactinformation
  2. Emergencies & Fire Saftey
  3. General Labsafety

  4. Cleanroom Safety

  5. Laser Safety
    Video Lasers

  6. Biosafety
    Video Sterile Bench

PowerPoint slides Slides to the Recording January 2024

Non-scientific Personal 

Additional to the introdcution, an official permission (Erlaubnis) is needed to work in the labs that can be downloaded here:

  • Instruction & signature sheet for non-scientific personal (de)

  • PowerPoint slides Slides for the instruction of non-scientific personal (de)
  • Einmalige Erlaubnis (permission for one time work) of non-scientific personal (de)

  • Dauererlaubnis (permission for repeated work valid for up to 1 year) of non-scientific personal (de)


Only for visitors, that want to see the biolabs or the mcirscopy facilty and DO NOT perferm experimets or other works in the labs or microscopy rooms