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ECL-Part A-25
ECL-Part A-25
ECL-Part A-25


25 The Court of First Instance rightly  held, in paragraph 35 of the judgment under appeal, that in Community  competition law          the definition of an ‘undertaking’ covers any entity engaged in  an economic activity, regardless of the legal status of that          entity and the way in which it is financed (Case C-41/90 _Höfner{_}{_}and Elser_ \[1991\] ECR I-1979, paragraph 21, and Joined Cases C-264/01, C-306/01, C‑354/01 and C‑355/01 _AOK-Bundesverband and Others_ \[2004\] ECR I-2493, paragraph 46). In accordance with the case-law of  the Court of Justice, the Court of First Instance also          stated, in paragraph 36 of the judgment under appeal, that it  is the activity consisting in offering goods and services on          a given market that is the characteristic feature of an  economic activity (Case C‑35/96 _Commission_ v _Italy_ \[1998\] ECR I-3851, paragraph 36).
