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Kommentar: Migrated to Confluence 4.0

Member States as well as the regulatory authorities shall cooperate with each other for the purpose of integrating their national markets at one or more regional levels, as a first step towards the creation of a fully liberalised internal market. In par­ticular, the regulatory authorities where Member States have so provided or Member States shall promote and facilitate the coop­ eration of transmission system operators at a regional level, including on cross-border issues, with the aim of creating a com­petitive internal market in electricity, foster the consistency of their legal, regulatory and technical framework and facilitate inte­gration of the isolated systems forming electricity islands that per­sist in the Community. The geographical areas covered by such regional cooperation shall include cooperation in geographical areas defined in accordance with Article 12(3) of Regulation (EC) No 714/2009. Such cooperation may cover other geographical areas.

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Directive 2009/72/EC
Date 14.12.2011.