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How does the concept look in practice? The origin state of the essential facility doctrine and the rest of the world, especially EU members have taken considerably different approaches to EFD among recent years. Within European legal system, the significance of the doctrine was articulated in Oscar Bronner case, where AG Jacobs pointed out the main idea behind the dogma: „a dominant undertaking must not merely refrain from anti-competetive action but must actively promote competition by allowing potential competitors access to the facilities, which it has developed.” [underline from the author]. Is it truly reasonable to expect from the undertaking, making profit-orientated decisions in his own interest, to care about promoting competition on a relevant market? Further development of the EFD arose only more doubts regarding the legitimacy of the EFC, especially as regards its interference with other branches of law. By a way of example, the landmark Microsoft case fueled the debate as to what extent it is desirable that competition law destabilizes the exclusive rights of intellectual. The triggered problem was further explored in the IMS case , which constituted suitable opportunity for the Court of Justice to establish a clear principle on essential facilities in the context of intellectual property rights. Although the doctrine touches vary law branches and disciplines, it is stil unclear what a potential undertaking, acting in order to maximize its profit on the market, should expect and whether or not the other undertakings claiming an access to subjectively essential facility could rely on the concept. In practice, the broad EFD definition appears to be capacious and capable of bringing almost any asset within its ambit, which from commercial perspective does not promote neither legal certainty for the undertakings possessing certain assets nor solid ground for the weaker competitors wishing to continue its business activity on a particular market. 



titlePublication Notice

Responsible: Freie Universität Berlin
Author: Olga Stefanowicz