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[1] D. Bailey and R. Whish, Competition Law (Oxford, 8th Ed. 2015) p.2, 26

[2]  ECJ, Case 322/81 Michelin v Commission [1985], para 57

[3]  P.R. Willis, Introduction to EU Competition Law (LLP, London Singapore 2005) p.22

[4] A. Jones and B. Sufrin, EC Competition Law (Oxford, 3rd Ed. 2008) p.303,304

 [5] ECJ, Case 27/76 United Brands Co and United Brands Continental BV v Commission[1978] para 65

[6]  ECJ, Case 85/76, Hoffman-La Roche & Co AG v Commission [1979] para 38-39

 [7]  ECJ, Case 62/86, Akzo v Commission [1991] para 60

 [8] A. Jones and B. Sufrin, EC Competition Law (Oxford, 3rd Ed. 2008) p.307

 [9]  Guidance  European Commission. Guidance on the Commission's enforcement priorities in applying Article 82 of the EC Treaty to abusive exclusionary conduct by dominant undertakings, (2009/C 45/02), 24 February 2009, para 10-11.

[10] https MONTI, Giorgio. "The Concept of Dominance in Article 82" . European Competition Journal, Vol. 2, July 2006 Available at SSRN:, accessed on, last accessed: 16.2.19902016


Responsible: Freie Universität Berlin
Author: Eleni Boulougari
Stage of work: Completed