Versionen im Vergleich


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Our first project as a group will be to plan and host two Open-Science-related events in the upcoming summer term 2019 (April-September). Initial ideas for these events include a lecture, a lunch talk, or a small workshop.

We are currently have been looking for possible dates:


  • Lightning Talks to introduce existing Open Science projects at FU and start building up a network
  • Possible aspects
    • LOD
    • Open research data
    • OA
    • Open Education
    • Open source research software
    • Citizen science
  • Open Space / Mini-Barcamp
  • Co-organised talks with postdoc society hosted by the departments, to attract the non-open science crowd
  • "Utopias for an open science/for the next science environment" – we could collect proposals from researchers and have an event where they tell us about the dream system for practicing and sharing research