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  • in charge of planning this event: Dirk Ostwald
  • expected time frame: 4-6 pm
  • Expected audience: 20-40 people
  • Finding a room: Christina Riesenweber is in charge
  • check in with Claudia about availabilty - Mathilde Noual
  • 4 speakers (Dirk invites them) focusing on opinions on Open Science (focusing on FU people), "What does Open Science mean for you?"
    • Dirk
    • someone of Mathilde's group
    • someone with a humanities background
    • somenone with an infrastructure/library background
  • plan: short talks + discussion
  • moderator: Christina
  • invite VP Mühlhahn, Brandtner for opening remarks
  • create Wiki page for this event (Dirk)
  • funding (Christina asks at UB, ERG)

Wiki page for this event: June 6: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Open Science

July 4: FU & Wikimedia-Fellows

  • in charge: Christina
  • find out if wikimedia people have time
  • invite all current and alumnni
  • find room
  • inform Agnieszka

Wiki page for this event: July 4: FU & Wikimedia-Fellows


  • website should be up by June 6 - Mathilde aks Claudia what the state is, we would like Claudia to be in charge, we're happy to help
  • wiki access
