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  • Inaugaral event of the Freie Universität Berlin Open Science Science Working Group
  • Group discussion on
    • ... what open science means for the attendees, 
    • ... which aspects of open science should be fostered at Freie Universität, and 
    • ... how these aspects may be fostered.
  • Format
    • Four speakers
      • Dirk: Open research in computational cognitive neuroscience
      • Mathilde and Ankur: Free research
      • Agnieszka: Open science vs. open access
      • Cornelia Reiher Japanology: needs to be invited by Cosima
      • Ask Sybille, Dirk!
    • Short talks: 6 min + 4 min discussion as reference/ignition for the group discussion
      • Personal/research community definition of open research
      • Current state of open research
      • Challenges
      • Suggestion
    • Moderated group discussion
      • Christina Riesenweber + Digital voting on questions like the cool kids
  • Advertisement
    • 100 words abstract (May 6th)
    • All researchers at all departments
    • FU Terminkalender (Eintragen, Dirk!)
    • Open Acess Website (Agnieszka)
    • DRS
    • Freie Universität Berlin Posters Cedis
    • CCNB Community
    • Website
  • VIP attendance
    • VP2
      • Personal invitation and opening remarks
    • Dean offices and ask them for redistribution
    • Brandtner (Head of Library) cannot attend
  • Funding
    • Posters and drinks
      • Christina → UB - contribution for drinks is possible!
      • Dirk → Ernst Reuter Gesellschaft
  • BYOB: bring your own bottle to get horribly wasted, punk!.
  • Organization committee Dirk Ostwald + OSWG, FU_287653_Open Sciene Working Group.pdf