Versionen im Vergleich


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  • Next event(s):
  • September MMM
    • Mathilde and her team are planning an event to launch a collaborative interdisciplinary "researcher-entrepreneur" project in September. She proposes to co-host  it with the OSWG
    • MMM - platform to organize ideas - a non-knowing tool
    • 26. September - "Utopias of doing science" - "Alternative ways to do science"
    • The group agrees - let's do it as an event of the FU-OSWG, Mathilde is in charge of planning
  • October: Open Access Week
    • Open Hardware Workshop
  • November 7
    • Dirk is in charge of planning
    • "What's the Berlin University Alliance's strategy for Open Science?"
    • Dirk reaches out to QUEST
    • Claudia reaches out to university administration
    • Christina reaches out to the grant writing coordinator
  • December: I hate Open Science (Discussion Event, possibly with Glühwein)
    • Next Steps for the Working Group
    • Results of Exzellenzstrategie (announced July 19)
    • Grant Writing: Current Activities
      • Decide if we hate Open Science (maybe save the discussion for another time)
      • Find solutions to not appear like uncompromising Open Science fanatics and scare people off with an overused term. (eg with a  pros/cons page on the website)
