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Next Organisational Meeting: September 5th, 5-7pm

When: 5-7pm,

Where: University Library, Garystraße 39, Room 163 (1st floor)


Moderation and Minutes: Agnieszka and Joachim

Organisational Meeting: August 8th


Attending: Christina, Mathilde, Dirk, Johannes, Nikolas, Ben, Joachim, Claudia, Agnieszka, Theresa, Saloni

Moderation and Minutes: MathildeNecessary item: wine


  • Settle the slot for organisational meetings: approx every first Thursday evening of each month? cf the doodle 5-7pm?
    • Agreed!
  • Website for OSWG: a basic version is online, please check it out so we can decide together
    • (1) what urgently needs fixing, and
    • (2) how to further improve it into a more definite version
    • Look at model website: LMU Open-Access-Website - we will lean on that
    • Model website TU Delft
    • Have more actual people.
    • We want to present Open Science projects at FU: let's collect our projects in this wiki, and Claudia's team puts it into the CMS website. Claudia sets up a template.
    • We will set up an automatic copy from the Open Access calendar
    • Additional content can be sent directly to Claudia's student assistant Phil (Claudia has to check in with them first)
    • We are not creating a logo right now
    • What are the goals of the group:
      • talk about OS,
      • raising awareness for OS,
      • bringing together people who do OS at FU & community building,
      • promoting existing projects
      • providing a think tank for open science infrastructures (that are not yet in place, but are being planned, and will become bigger with the Berlin University Alliance)
      • bottom-up initiative
      • getting the attention of the university management
      • Homework: use the group aims from April and formulate a draft
