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Dear wiki users,

Are you already implementing e-learning in your courses? Have you successfully realized blended learning scenarios that could be of interest to others? Or have you used e-learning tools of the FU for designing learner-centered and stimulating learning activities? 

In this section you have the possibility of presenting your own examples of innovative e-learning solutions, exchanging ideas and getting suggestions for teaching your courses.  

Image source: CeDiS, Cristian Pirjol


Lecturers that have a FU account can directly describe their blended learning scenario in this wiki by logging into the wiki system, enetering entering the title of your contribution in the following field and subsequently clicking on "Create scenario".

Add Page via Form
parentAustausch und Anregungen für die eigene Lehre - Machen Sie mit!
linkTextSzenario erstellenCreate a scenario
sourceSzenarien-VorlageScenario template


Lecturers of other universities can send us their scenarios via e-mail ( and through this can share their experiences and can help to add to the wiki.