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Article 24

Designation of distribution system operators

Member States shall designate or shall require undertakings that own or are responsible for distribution systems to designate, for a period of time to be determined by Member States having regard to considerations of efficiency and economic balance, one or more distribution system operators. Member States shall ensure that distribution system operators act in accordance with Articles 25, 26 and 27.

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titleQuelle und Stand des Gesetzes

Directive 2009/72/EC concerning common rules for the internal market in electricity and repealing Directive 2003/54/EC
Date 21.10.2011.

h2. Article Member States shall designate or shall require undertakings that own or are responsible for distribution systems to designate, for a period of time to be determined by Member States having regard to considerations of efficiency and economic balance, one or more distribution system operators. Member States shall ensure that distribution system operators act in accordance with Articles 25, 26 and 27. {children:depth=1} \\ ---- {display-footnotes} \\ {tip:title=Quelle und Stand des Gesetzes} [Directive 2009/72/EC concerning common rules for the internal market in electricity and repealing Directive 2003/54/EC|]\\ Date 21.10.2011. {tip} \\