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For an S2 genetic engineering project, we have to apply first for a permission with the LaGeSo. Please contact Katharina Achazi for the application and plan at least 3 months before you can start the project. More forms and information about genetic engineering and forms you can find on the LAGeSo homepage.

If the application was succesful and you start lab work, you have to document all S2 lab work in Formblatt Z. Documentation has to be done before you start the lab work.

Please always download the Formblatt Z version provided above and sent the filled Formblatt Z and all additional information about vectors, gene sequences, literature, etc. back to me (Katharina Achazi). The Formblatt Z needs to be filled in German!

Safety information and risk group assignment of Biological Agents e.g. human materials (such as blood, tissue, plasma or serum), cells, bacteria, viruses and others reagents used in the Biolab is available in the GESTIS Biological Agents Database, the German Collection of Microorganisms and Cell Cultures (DSMZ), the Central Committee on Biological Safety and the Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (BAuA) and information is documented in the AG Haag Wiki in the section BioMaterials, Reagents and Consumables.

Further information on Biosafety you can find here.

In case you want to add GVO to an existing project, download the regarding Formblatt Z, add the new contruct, and sent the updated Formblatt Z back to me (Katharina Achazi).


Arbeit Nr.

Project No

Thema der Arbeit (durchführender Mitarbeiter)

Title of the Project (and responsible Person)


Risk level

Beginn der Arbeiten

Start of the Project

Ende der Arbeiten

End of the Project



Formblatt Z

Form Z

Relevante Dokumente

Relevant Documents


Transduktion von menschlichen Immunzellen und von primären humanen Zellen mit lentiviralen Konstrukten

(Miguel Alvaro/Christian Freund, AG Freund)


Arbeiten wurden noch nicht in der Anlage 92/14 begonnen

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S2 Arbeit 92/14-1, Hochstufung S2 Alt23a, Bestellung PL Freund & Nürnberg2022-06-09 PL Freund (S1/S2) & Nürnberg (nur S1)


Erstellung von rekombinanten Herpesviren

(Chuanxiong Nie/Daniel Lauster, AG Haag/AG Lauster)

2Arbeiten wurden noch nicht in der Anlage 92/14 begonnen07.12.2022

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2022-07-28 S2 Arbeit 92/14-2: HHV-1-GFP

Bindungscharakterisierung und Infektionshemmungsstudien von Influenza A Viren (Reassortanten) zur Entwicklung von antiviralen Entryinhibitoren

(Chuanxiong Nie/Daniel Lauster, AG Haag/AG Lauster)

2Arbeiten wurden noch nicht in der Anlage 92/14 begonnen07.12.2022

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2022-11-15 S2 Arbeit 92/14-3: Influenza X31 & LP-H5N1

Etablierung eines Tiermodells für SARS-CoV-2 und Testung von Impfstoffen und Therapeutika und Erweiterung

(Chuanxiong Nie/Katharina Achazi)

2noch nicht begonnen
Genehmigung LaGeSo ausstehend
2024-XX-XX S2 Arbeit 92/14-4: attenuated SARS-CoV2 sCPD9 & sCPD9-ΔFCS
