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  • Writing week (Armin)


Meeting on November 21st, 1pm

We will meet online

Upcoming Meeting

March, 23rd at 14 pm

Link to the meetingm6b6373006627fae015e321722640917c

Suggested Topics

  • Material from "Open Science in 60 Minutes" available for re-use here: Resources - if you have created material on Open Science that is available with an open licence, please add/link your things here!
  • OER community learning event (Sascha, Franziska)
  • m49823438be3c44f0f3608d7cc5189b28


    • Christina Riesenweber
    • Judith Meinschaefer
    • Sabrina Schotten
    • Armin Glatzmeier
    • Maaike Duine
    • Kristina Eichel

    Suggested topcics:

    • discussion about the DFG paper „Open Science als Teil der Wissenschaftskultur (OS as part of scienctific culture)“, which can be found here
      • Maybe related topic? A recent article promotes double-blind peer review as a solution to status bias in the reviewing process (Huber, J., Inoua, S., Kerschbamer, R. et al.. 2022. Nobel and novice: Author prominence affects peer review. Psychology and Cognitive Sciences 119(41): e2205779119. This is critizised by Horbach, S. P.J.M., Ross-Hellauer, T. & Waltman, L. 2022. Sunlight not shadows: Double-anonymized peer review is not the progressive answer to status bias. OSF Preprints. who argue for open peer review "with published review reports and optional open reviewer identities" (ibid, 2). (Armin)
      • OS an der FU, in der Praxis, aufbauen Infrastruktur
      • DFG paper ist sehr zuruckhaltend
      • Noch andere Interessen (kommerziell usw) OS soll sich damit kritisch auseinandersetzen
      • Lebenswissenschaftlich orientiert
      • Linguistik: Umsetzung Open Data ist schwierig. Was sind Daten? Abh. von Disziplinen. Sprachwiss anders als andere Geisteswissenschaften.
    • The end of Twitter? How can the open science community remain connected
    • Offene Forschungsdaten (Themenfeld Judith Meinschaefer)
      • publication of raw data vs. processed data
      • some journals require published data
      • some data, e.g. voice recordings, are hard to anonymize
    • Ankündigung Feminist Dialogues on Open Science:
      • Can we discuss this topic in the OSWG – let's put it on the agenda for January!

    Meeting October 20th, 11 am - noon


    • Franziska Harnisch (FU University Library, Open Science Community Building)
    • Christina Riesenweber (University Library, Open Access and Academic Publishing)
    • Armin Glatzmeier
    • Timo Torsten Schmidt
    • Maaike Duine (OABB, BUA Dashboard Projekt)


    -plenary session with very broad focus, not much new

    -12 breakout sessions more interesting

    • report from Open-Access-Tage 2022 (Christina)
      • -vor allem Infrastruktureinrichtungen anwesend
      • -most prominent topic: diamond OA (Berlin UP, KOALA)
      • many organisations try to get overview, how high the actual costs are
      • session with focus about alternative publication possibilities
        • Platformisation
      • interesting keynote from epidemiologist to openness on the example of Corona
        • speaker: Nicola Low -

    Meeting September 1st, 2 pm


    • Franziska Harnisch (FU University Library, Open Science Community Building)
    • Christina Riesenweber (University Library, Open Access and Academic Publishing)
    • Alexander Schnücker (Dienste für Studium und Lehre)
    • Timo Torsten Schmidt
    • Maaike Duine (Open-Access-Büro-Berlin)
    • Benjamin Blinten (UB, Leitung Dienste für Lehre und Studium)
    • Esther Asef (University Library, Team Research Data Management)


    • Science communication
      • Franziska attended workshops about science communication at the Open Science Festival in Hannover this week:
      • What kind of science communication do you do?
      • Did you ever use Wikipedia for science communication in any form?
        • Timo: Projekt im Seminarkontext zur Verbesserung vorhandener Wikipedia-Artikel; Verlinkung der eigenen Forschung in Wikipedia-Artikeln
        • Alexander: Dissertation als OER ab Titelgebung veröffentlicht
          • Junges Forum für Medien und Hochschulentwicklung, Christian Heise: Offenheit als Grundlage für gesellschaftliche Entwicklungen und Treiber für den digitalen Fortschritt: Wir brauchen mehr Experimente mit Offenheit in Wissenschaft, Bildung und Forschung!
        • Christina: in Wikipedia verlinkte OA-Veröffentlichungen mit hoher Lesequote
          • Jetzt gute Zeitpunkt(Nach 20Jahren) auch der Sicht der Hochschulen
          • Auch Wikidata ist ein wichtiges Tool
        • Esther: Article BEACON Its a simple data scheme to show which GNDs are used in a project and makes it possible to link between different projects who have resources/information that use the same GND (authority file). The German Wikipedia article links many (German) projects that use BEACON (for example digital editions) so this page makes these projects visible
    • New open access services available, der neue Open-Access-Verlag der BUA-Einrichtungen:
      • FU bietet OJS-Services an
      • TU bietet Services zu OA-Monografien an
      • Beratungsangebote rund um OA von allen 4 Unis zusammen
    • Open-Access-Week: Planung Veranstaltung "Offene Wissenschaft und Klimagerechtigkeit" Christina Riesenweber im Gespräch mit Claudia Frick (Podcast "Das Klima" (Donnerstag, 27.10., 14-15)
    • OER
      • Awarenessbildung als Ziel der Abteilung Lehre und Studium, Maßnahmen in Planung
      • Liascript:
      • Diskussion: Schaffen wir mehr Openness durch die Einführung neuer Authoring Tools?
        • Es ist schwer genug, Openness auf den Schirm zu bringen, neue Tools zu lernen ist vielleicht zu viel verlangt
        • Beispiel für offenes Autoring Tool
        • Aber: Markdown ist sehr leicht zu lernen und kann als Skill empowering sein (aus FDM-Perspektive sehr empfehlenswert für einfache Dokumentationen) - dafür braucht man aber vielleicht nicht immer neue Tools
        • Was wir brauchen sind gute Kollaborationstools bzw. die Entscheidung für ein zuverlässiges Tool (praktisch setzt sich de fact Google Docs im Moment durch)
        • Markdown ist ein einfacherer Nachfolger von LaTeX in der Praxis; in Kombination mit GitHub - ist teilweise schon in die Lehre integriert, Studierende lernen das standardmäßig (Beispiel Neurowissenschaften)
        • Markdown als "digital skill" sollte ins UB-Portfolio aufgenommen werden - Benjamin Blinten bleibt dran (im Austausch mit der Stabstelle Fortbildung der UB) & "digital literacy"
      • Übrigens: An der UB gibt es Fortbildungs- und Schulungsveranstaltungen zu Literaturverwaltungsprogrammen (z.B. Zotero)
        • To Do: Benjamin Blinten und Timo Torsten Schmidt sprechen miteinander zum Thema Teaching Library

    Meeting: July 19th at 11am


    • Franziska Harnisch (FU University Library, Open Science Community Building)
    • Moritz Maxeiner (FU, computer science / FLOSS / open hardware)
    • Kristina Eichel (FU, clinical psychological interventions)

    Suggested topics

    • Introduction round
    • BUA Next Grand Challenge Diskussion

    Was eignet sich besser für die Veröffentlichung von Lehrmaterialien: Zenodo oder OSF?

    • Zenodo vergibt DOIs
    • Zenodo helps researchers receive credit by making the research results citable and through OpenAIRE integrates them into existing reporting lines to funding agencies like the European Commission. Citation information is also passed to DataCite and onto the scholarly aggregators.
    • Open Science Framework

    Meeting: June 30th at 11am


    • Franziska Harnisch (FU University Library, Open Science Community Building)
    • Maatje Sophia Duine (Berlin Open Access Bureau, BUA Open Science dashboard project)
    • Moritz Maxeiner 
    • Daniel Mietchen 
    • Timo Torsten Schmidt 



    Impressions of Open Next Event (Moritz attended)

    => Coorparative project of open next with

    =>Highlights of interesting projects


    -open instruction to build it yourself

    Washing Machine project

    -Open Hardware instruction to build it yourself

    -their next project: Refrigerator-Projekt

    Pocket Science Project

    Spree Project

    Global open hardware summit


    • Daniel (virtually) and Moritz (live) will attend

    Feedback zur Idee OS-Preis an der FU auszuschreiben

    • Ansprache Was wäre für euch ein interessanter Preis? Wofür könntet ihr Finanzierung gebrauchen?
      • karrieretechnisch nützlich, wenn Preis für "Zertifikatsliste" brauchbar
        • hierfür braucht es gute Medienarbeit, damit der Preis wirklich bekannt und sichtbar wird/ ist
      • Preisgeld sollte an nichts spezielles gebunden sein (Gewinnende sollten frei entscheiden können)
        • Preisgeld generell als sekundär eingestuft
      • Finanzierung der Reisekosten für Konferenz:
        • 2 von 4 Personen haben gesagt, dass im Sinn vol Nachhaltigkeit eher die Teilnahme an virtuellen Konferenzen gefördert werden sollte (FH meint: lässt den Aspekt des Netzwerkens außer Acht)
      • 5 Jahre zurück ist guter Zeitraum
      • Idee: Kollaborationen fördern (bspw. wenn Teams aus verschiedenen Instituten kommen)
      • 2 von 4 Personen finden Möglichkeit der Teilnahme der Gewinner*innen an einer Podiumsdiskussion mit polit. Entscheidungstragenden attraktiv
        • die Arbeit an einem gemeinsamen gesellschaftlichen Vorhaben und die Möglichkeit einer Interaktion mit Entscheidungstragenden als Möglichkeit gesehen nicht als Belastung

    • Literatur
      • Daniel Mietchen hat Paper zu Erfahrung bei Verleihung von OS-Preis geschrieben:  - Developing international open science collaborations: Funder reflections on the Open Science Prize

    Invitation to the discussion Open seminar schedules as part of open educational practices next week, July 5th at 3 pm

    more information about the event can be found here

    The Event will be held in German.

    Meeting May 25th, 2022


    • Franziska Harnisch (FU University Library, Open Science Community Building)
    • Maatje Sophia Duine (Berlin Open Access Bureau, BUA Open Science dashboard project)
    • Armin Glatzmeier (UB, wissenschaftliche Integrität)
    • Néhémie Strupler (FU Berlin)
    • Christina Riesenweber
    • Maike Neufend
    • Sascha Eckhold
    • Stefan Skupien


    Recommendations for a joint initiative on Open Research Berlin (Maike Neufend, OABB)

    input by Maike

    -one step would be to implement a central advising point for questions regarding legal and ethical issues


    -transform OA bureau into OS bureau

    Current status

    -after elections last year, 2021: new persons and new political allignement => outcome of the initiative uncertain


    -Berlin University Alliance is planing a OA/ OS strategy

    -What would be the impact of a OS-strategy?

    => thesis: It would not be directly relevant for scientist

    =>Allocation of funds with more direct impact on scientists

    -What can a central advising point for legal and ethical issues do?

    => joining forces and make space for specialisation (one special field would be legal clearing house (rechtliche Clearingstelle))

    -there is no other group like the OSWG in Berlin

    -Berlin Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften mission statement on OS:

    starting point/ main goal of the OSWG in 2019 was the following

    -bringing together Open Science practitioners

    When the topic becomes politically relevant, we want to have an activated community of practice => practical doing as an addition to strategic planning

    Project ONMERRIT analysed OS

    • the project:
      • EU-financed project to critically examine the perpetuation of disadvantages/formation of new inequalities through Open Science
        • answer: yes
          • different. Stakeholder with different goals how to implement OS/ pictures of OS
          • science itself remains unequal, established mechanisms remain active => cumulative advantage
        • OA
          • Simply publishing research as an open access publication does not automatically mean that the published information is available to all in the sense of being understandable.

          • hierachy between different OA journals
        • OS practices for researchers: sometimes high discrepancy between personal values and those of the institutions

        • Proposals for action in the 4 main fields (

          • Resource-intensity of Open Research: Putting open and responsible research into practice requires considerable resources (including infrastructures, services, and training). The structural inequalities that exist within institutions, regions and nations, and on a global scale, create structural advantages for well-resourced actors and structural disadvantages for less-resourced actors, in terms of capacity and ability to engage in these practices.
          • Article-processing charges and the stratification of Open Access publishing: The article processing charge (APC)  model within Open Access publishing seems to discriminate against those with limited resources (especially those from less-resourced regions and institutions). These facts seem to be having effects of stratification in terms of who publishes where. 
          • Societal inclusion in research and policy-making: Open and responsible research processes take place within broader social systems where inequalities continue to structure access and privilege certain actors while others are disadvantaged. Despite laudable aims of equity, inclusion and diversity in open and responsible research, the most marginalised, vulnerable, and poor remain mostly excluded. 
          • Reform of reward and recognition: Institutional processes for reward and recognition not only do not sufficiently support the uptake of open and responsible research, but often get in the way of them. This disadvantages those who wish to take up these practices (putting early-career researchers especially at risk).


    -Are these results new and in what way? => What can be derived from this in practice?

    -point 4: How can an institution implement this in concrete terms?

    Discussion how to put the following paper into practice at FU:

    Meeting April 27th, 2022


    • Franziska Harnisch (FU University Library, Open Science Community Building)
    • Maatje Sophia Duine (Berlin Open Access Bureau, BUA Open Science dashboard project)
    • Néhémie Strupler
    • Andreas Hübner (Geowissenschaften, UB FDM Liaison Librarian, NFDI4Earth)
    • Kristina Eichel


    Whats up?

    • Invitation to public opening event of the project "Critical Library Perspectives" with a keynote 'Politics of the Library', more details here
    • First Open Science Lunch May 12th, 12:30pm, details

    Discussion of Berliner Appell


    -What can we do to make the appeal work? Who to connect with, who to approach at the university level?

    collection of initiatives on different structural/ organizational levels:




    • formulation of requests on how grass-root could be supported by top-down actions
    • Kristina is involved with her project


    -different networks/ initiatives work on this topic

    further action

    Maaike invites Maxi and Maike to talk about the initiative on the  Berlin-level (

    What you do, when you hit a paywall?

    informal talk about it

    -publications about the Ithaka study "Chancelling the Big Deal"

    • report by Ithaka S+R about the study:Cooper, Danielle, and Oya Y. Rieger. "What’s the Big Deal?: How Researchers Are Navigating Changes to Journal Access ." Ithaka S+R. Ithaka S+R. 22 June 2021. Web. 28 April 2022. 
    • Interview of the university library's team with Ithaka:
    • article of the university library's team about the study and first results: Hagel, Michael Dominik, Harnisch, Franziska, Kowalak, Mario and Wagner, Cosima. "Projekt Benutzungsforschung International: Beteiligung der Universitätsbibliothek der Freien Universität Berlin am Projekt „Cancelling the Big Deal“ (Ithaka S+R 2021)" ABI Technik, vol. 41, no. 4, 2021, pp. 255-258.

    Concept for OER Community Learning Events

    -three parts/ steps (action to discussion)

    1. Workshop with teaching staff to create own OER materials

    target group: teaching staff, who would like to do it, but did not yer

    aim: create own OER materials fast

    2. Presentation of recent study "Reflecting Open Practices on Digital Infrastructures" (see poster)

    presentation of results regarding OER

    discussion about finding/ thesis: would semester plans for basic methodical seminars be useful as OER?

    3. Input and discussion about openness in the context of the university focussing on OER

    Is the aim to produce high quality teaching materials right aim or does it hinder OER?

    Why should I produce OER?

    questions for OSWG attendees

    Which aspects are most interesting for you?

    Would you attend the three events?

    • Why?
    • What would make you attend?


    -practical question to be answered in workshop: where to best put one's OERs?

    -interesting question would be, what to do with student's feedback on OER materials

    -semester plans as OER would be interesting for teaching staff to have kind of tool box for the areas (topic, method, material)

    -there is a collection of for geosciences

    => What should be done with them regarding further use, long term archiving?

    => Are these materials OER?


    Who would like to be added to the homepage or wiki of the OSWG?


    all of today's attendees want to be added and get writing access to the wiki

    All others are welcome as well! If you are interested, get in touch with Franziska


    Meeting February 23rd, 2022


    • Franziska Harnisch (FU University Library, Open Science Community Building)
    • Moritz Maxeiner (FU Information Science, Dahlem Research Center for Machine Learning, Open.Make, Open Hardware)
    • Sascha Eckhold (FU UL/CeDiS, Services for Teaching & Learning, Trainings, OER)
    • Cosima Wagner (FU UL, Research Librarian for Digital Humanities, RDM, Area Studies & East Asian Studies, Japanese Studies)
    • Malte Henningsen (PostDoc PhilGeist Linguistics, Neuroscience of language, neuronal networks, interactive data visualisation, "cross disciplinary" data literacy education)
    • Maatje Sophia Duine (Berlin Open Access Bureau, BUA Open Science dashboard project)
    • Dennis Mischke (Ada Lovelace DH Center, FU)
    • Julien Colomb (Research Data Manager, Open Hardware, OpenMake-Project, HU)
    • Esther Asef (University Library, Research Data Management Officer, FU)
    • Alex Fütterer (University Library, Research Data Management Officer, FU)
    • Néhémie Strupler

    Suggested topics


    Let's plan a community learning event for April or May!


    • get our name out, tie in to our program (i.e. OER),
    • focus on facilitation of cultural change what "open science" means, OA and OS (difference?),
      • OER is a very good example / use case for that!
      • cross-disciplinary data literacy and OER?
      • challenge to connect OER and OS?!
      • → combine OS, cultural change and OER!
        • "Hacky Hour"/ Open Meeting on examples for students: visualization and OS, low level event
        • Short intro / pitfalls of doing OER, first steps for people
        • Teaching, using resources which are open, how do you know that they are really open? → there are regular workshops from FU UL/CedIS already
        • collaborate with OER "practitioners" from the university community in the workshop
    • Next step: conceptualization of OER workshop → please contact Franziska & Sascha

    Suggestions for topics

      • Open Hardware
      • Visualisation
      • OER


      • short workshop?
      • hacky hour?

    For whom? taget group?

    Public: within the university? general public?

    • general public: "Lange Nacht der Wissenschaft" - do we want to educate the general public with an event on OS?
    • maybe concentrate first on the university


    • Report from the Una Europa OER Staff Week (Sascha):
      • 1Europe: create one virtual joint campus for 9 Una Europa universities
      • Focus of the staff week: create an OER mission statement for Una Europa; not a policy but a starting point for creating a policy; advance collaboration with regard to OER within Una Europa.
        • Establish OER at FU
        • Establish OER within Una Europa
        • Definition: OER = learning, teaching AND research (based on UNESCO definition), but aiming at "receiving a copy" not just "access" to a resources


    • Future of the mailing list - info channel for everyone vs. organisation channel for our community
      • keep it as it is...
    • How to agree on dates for the meetings (via poll, fixed day each month...)
      • foodle/dudle is ok
      • monthly meetings
      • mornings/afternoons

    Suggested Schedule

    Short Introduction of each other

    Agreeing on agenda for the meeting

    Discussion of topics

    Meeting January 27th, 2022


    4pmWelcome, Short intro to OSWG
    4:05Getting to know each other
    4:15collecting topics
    4:45What's next @ OSWG?

    Aim of the meeting

    The main aim of this meeting is getting to know each other respectively getting in touch again.

    Furthermore, it would be exciting to learn which topics everyone is currently dealing with and which developments in the field of OS you are particularly interested in. 

    How shall we proceed with the OSWG in terms of regular meetings, topics to be covered.



    • Franziska Harnisch (UB, Open Science Community Building)
    • Moritz Maxeiner (Informatik, Open.Make, Open Hardware)
    • Sascha Eckhold (UB/CeDiS, Dienste für Lehre und Studium, Fortbildung, OER)
    • Daniel Mietchen (Biophysik,,,, Wikipedia, Wikidata) 
    • Esther Asef (UB, Forschungdsdatenmanagement)
    • Andreas Hübner (Geowissenschaften, UB FDM Liaison Librarian, NFDI4Earth)
    • Cosima Wagner (UB, Forschungsbibliothekarin Digital Humanities FDM Area Studies & Ostasienwissenschaften, Japanologie)
    • Malte Henningsen (PostDoc PhilGeist Linguistik, Neuronale Netze)
    • Sibylle Söring (UB, Leitung Team FDM; Digital Humanities)
    • Alex Fütterer (Team FDM)
    • Christina Riesenweber (UB, Team Open Access und wissenschaftliches Publizieren)


    • establishing and implementing Open Science beacon projects @FU
    • creating a collection of Use Cases und Best Practices to have a place where to refer to and look up practical hints
    • taking part in shaping the Open Science Policy of FU
    • organize events to collaboratively learn about a certain topic (inviting experts as well as sharing knowledge we already have in our circle) - possibly events for a more general public
    • visualization tools
    • data analysis and data exploration
    • interim publications and interim releases with value for teaching
      • Software and Hardware are interim products, their creation should also be credited/ rewarded

    What's next for OSWG

    • Include "Open Scholarship" and "Open Research" to better address humanities
    • involve students/ representatives of the student body
    • involve people, who deal with teaching in higher education
    • We go on collecting and sharing ideas here in the wiki (Contact Franziska to get writing permission or send your remarks directly to Franziska)
    • We try to attract more interested people
    • We will meet monthly
      • next meeting is sheduled for 23.02.2022- 11am
      • suggested topics can be added in the wiki in the section "suggested topics" of each meeting